- MNE version: 1.1.1
- operating system: macOS 12.3
Hello, so I am trying to open a file on colab, after correctly synching it with my google drive.
The file is in .ipynb, this is my input:
fname = 'basic eeg pipeline.ipynb'
raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif( fname )
And this is the output:
Opening raw data file basic eeg pipeline.ipynb...
<ipython-input-7-ad53827e7af2>:1: RuntimeWarning: This filename (basic eeg pipeline.ipynb) does not conform to MNE naming conventions. All raw files should end with raw.fif, raw_sss.fif, raw_tsss.fif, _meg.fif, _eeg.fif, _ieeg.fif, raw.fif.gz, raw_sss.fif.gz, raw_tsss.fif.gz, _meg.fif.gz, _eeg.fif.gz or _ieeg.fif.gz raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif( fname )
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-7-ad53827e7af2>](https://e81s0qkocef-496ff2e9c6d22116-0-colab.googleusercontent.com/outputframe.html?vrz=colab-20221005-060049-RC00_479005510#) in <module> ----> 1 raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif( fname )
4 frames
<decorator-gen-366> in __init__(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, on_split_missing, verbose)
<decorator-gen-367> in _read_raw_file(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, do_check_ext, verbose)
<decorator-gen-127> in fiff_open(fname, preload, verbose)
[/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mne/io/open.py](https://e81s0qkocef-496ff2e9c6d22116-0-colab.googleusercontent.com/outputframe.html?vrz=colab-20221005-060049-RC00_479005510#) in _fiff_open(fname, fid, preload) 143 prefix = f'file {repr(fname)} does not' 144 if tag.kind != FIFF.FIFF_FILE_ID: --> 145 raise ValueError(f'{prefix} start with a file id tag') 146 147 if tag.type != FIFF.FIFFT_ID_STRUCT:
ValueError: file '/gdrive/MyDrive/Jupyter Notebook/EEG data/basic eeg pipeline.ipynb' does not start with a file id tag
I have found a similar thread but it was for Windows 10, so what worked for them didn’t for me.
Thank you so so much in advance!!