I want to export preprocessed data (epoched) from BrainVision Analyzer to a .fif file to open in MNE. When I do the export and try to open the file I get the error message ‘File does not start with a file id tag’.
Could you help me solve this error?
Code in MNE:
Define participant files
participant_files = [‘9696-25_T1_RS.fif’]
Load the participant’s EEG data
for file_name in participant_files:
file_path = os.path.join(working_dir, file_name)
clean_epochs = mne.read_epochs(file_path, preload=True)
runfile(‘C:/Users/anomatth/Downloads/Power +’, wdir=‘C:/Users/anomatth/Downloads’)
Reading C:\Users\anomatth\OneDrive - UGent\BELAS_EEG_MasterproefII2024\nieuw\9696-25_T1_RS.fif …
C:\Users\anomatth\Downloads\Power + RuntimeWarning: This filename (C:/Users/anomatth/OneDrive - UGent/BELAS_EEG_MasterproefII2024/nieuw\9696-25_T1_RS.fif) does not conform to MNE naming conventions. All epochs files should end with -epo.fif, -epo.fif.gz, _epo.fif or _epo.fif.gz
clean_epochs = mne.read_epochs(file_path, preload=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ~\Downloads\Power +
clean_epochs = mne.read_epochs(file_path, preload=True)
File :12 in read_epochs
File ~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\ in read_epochs
return EpochsFIF(fname, proj, preload, verbose)
File :12 in init
File ~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\ in init
fid, tree, _ = fiff_open(fname, preload=preload)
File :12 in fiff_open
File ~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\io\ in fiff_open
return _fiff_open(fname, fid, preload)
File ~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\io\ in _fiff_open
raise ValueError(f’{prefix} start with a file id tag’)
ValueError: file ‘C:\Users\anomatth\OneDrive - UGent\BELAS_EEG_MasterproefII2024\nieuw\9696-25_T1_RS.fif’ does not start with a file id tag
Kind regards