Examining the challenges of identifying high-frequency band waves: A Possible Noise Removal Problem

I appreciate the use of MNE and the forum.

I am analyzing task-related high-frequency band waves, but I am encountering difficulties. One possible reason is the lack of effective noise reduction.

I have visually excluded bad channels and used notch filtering, bandpass filtering, and ICA. The results of the power line noise and Morlet wavelet time-frequency analyses are attached.

The confidence intervals for the power line noise seem too wide, and I suspect the EEG data may also have a lot of noise.

Your thoughts and suggestions will be invaluable. I would greatly appreciate any insight you can provide on possible causes and solutions.

I appreciate any help you can provide.

I am working on these environments:

  • MNE version: 1.2.3
  • Operating System: MacOS 12

Morlet wavelet TFR