event file and noise covariance matrix

Hi Alex,

As you guess, the engineer told me that the stim channel is STI101.
I start using the command
mne_browse_raw --digtrig STI101
and then load the *sss.fif

The response is,

674 events found in /mnt/share/Huang_zhaoyang_MEG/Yang_Yingxue_MEG_data/MEG/MYB/mi_yu_bi_SEF_R_20120106_raw_tsss-eve.fif
Trigger channel : STI101 max_event : 0

in fact, the data is collected from an experiment: stimulus to the left and right median nerve and there should be two kinds of events.
But when I click "show event list", the event list is blank!

The engineer told me that

The left wrist stimulus in STI101 is 192, and right is 194. But why the response is max_event =0?

I also tried to click the average button to average the data over event 1 or 2,
and the response as,

Single category :
  stim ignore : off
  grad reject : 2000.0 fT/cm
  mag reject : off
  EEG reject : off
  EOG reject : off
  ECG reject : off
  grad flat : off
  mag flat : off
  EEG flat : off
  EOG flat : off
  ECG flat : off
  Do not fix trigger skew
  Average to trigger # 1 :
    t = -200.0 ... 500.0 ms
    event = 1
    ignore = 0
    nave = 0

Would you like to help me figure out it?

Best wishes,

------------------ Original ------------------

Hey Junpeng,

I think I had to be careful with my use of quotation marks to get
mne_process_raw to recognize the "STI101" stim channel. I /think/ it was:

--digtrig 'STI101'

that eventually worked. You can also try loading the raw data file in
MATLAB or mne-python. There, all channel names are easily accessible, so
you can then use them to get indices for the raw data to double-check that
you have the correct channel name.
