event file and noise covariance matrix

Hi Experts,

My coauthor sent to me a *sss.fif.
I would use it to do research.
My questions are,

I only loaded the file into mne_browse_raw,
but I found I can not do average operations.
Anyone know what additional file is needed to conduct average?
The engineer who operates the MEG device may not use MNE toolbox, but he used maxfilter.
So should I tell him which additional files I need to conduct average or calculation of noise covariance matrix?
assume that he could use all the software associated with eketa MEG device and never use mne toolbox and that I need the files he created to conduct average and calculation of noise covariance matrix.

Please laugh at my so simple questions :).

Thank you all in advance.
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hi Junpeng,

what you need to average in an event file (-eve.fif file) or a stim channel.

You can start mne_browse_raw with the --digtrig option to set a specific channel
if different from STI014.
