ch_names = [‘FP2’, ‘F7’,‘F3’,’ F4’,‘F8’,‘T3’,‘C3’,‘C4’,‘T4’,‘P3’,‘P4’,‘T6’,‘O2’,‘F9’,‘O1’,‘Fp1’,‘F10’,‘T5’]
ch_types = [‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’,‘eeg’]
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=256, ch_types=ch_types) = info
montage_kind = “standard_1020”
montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage(montage_kind)
h01.set_montage(montage, match_case=False)
Iam trying to add digitized points to the eeg data i have acquired. The digitzed poits are added but im getting error while plotting the eeg data and getting the same “Assertion error” for every code im attempting to run after adding digitized points.
how to solve this issue.