Error about brainvision EEG data reading

External Email - Use Caution

Hi all,
       When I used ** to read *.vhdr *format EEG
data. There is an error about "*Ambiguous operation. Setting an Annotation
object with known ``orig_time`` to a raw object which has ``meas_date`` set
to None is ambiguous. Please, either set a meaningful ``meas_date`` to the
raw object; or set ``orig_time`` to None in which case the annotation
onsets would be taken in reference to the first sample of the raw object*."
I have no idea how to fix this. Would you mind give some suggestions? My
mne version is 0.18.2.
       Many thanks!

       Tao Xia
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External Email - Use Caution


can you share a script and a file to replicate the warning?
