Epoched Data not on the Plot

Hi all,

    I am plotting EEG data with a TMS artifact and they align next to the channel fine when the raw data is plotted but when the data is epoched to the TMS pulse the channel voltage time plots are way off the screen until you zoom way out. Changing the scalings doesn't seem to effect this, just when you zoom back in the lines start moving off the plot. Any help would be appreciated.


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you mean with evoked.plot?

did you try to set the ylim parameter?



I meant with epochs.plot(), but with evoked.plot() and setting the ylim I get the attached figure.

Your data appear to have large DC values. By default `raw.plot` removes
these (with remove_dc=True), but the epochs and evoked browsers do not. You
can highpass filter or baseline correct to fix this.
