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Hi All,

Given four EOG electrodes (2 vertical and 2 horizontal), how can I blend
them in a single EOG that can be read by find_eog_events or
create_eog_epochs of MNE? Do I have to only have one EOG in my dataset?

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External Email - Use Caution

Hi Badar,

I recommend creating a single bipolar referenced vertical EOG channel (mne.io.set_bipolar_reference) between the 2 vertical EOG channels and using that for find_eog_events. The find_eog_events is looking for blinks, which are best detected with the vertical EOG


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Thank you, Marijn!

Badar Almarri
Graduate Student
Dept. of Computer Science and Engr.
University of Connecticut
badar.almarri at uconn.edu