Hello, everyone,
I am a graduate student who is studying eeg microstates with Microstatelab in EEGLab, but I am experiencing problems.
I have several clean datasets that have different channels. Acquisition was done with 128 channels but once I cleaned the raw signal they decreased.
This causes me problems in studying microstates especially when I perform the instrument function → microstatelab -->“outlier detection” , as it tells me that I cannot continue because the number of channels is different.

Would you be able to help me? Have any of you ever used this toolbox?


EEGLab is a MATLAB analysis software.
MNE is a different analysis software in Python. As already mentioned in the other post, please contact the EEGLAB mailing list for EEGLAB questions.

In Python, you can do microstates analysis with MNE and pycrostates.


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