EEG volume_source_space {Disarmed}

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Hi all,
There are many examples for MEG files but not so many for EEG.

I'm using MNE for functional connectivity (correlation, coherence) in the volume space with EEG cap (64 electrodes) resting data.
As a first step I would like to extract the raw data (signal time course) from a single seed (such as BA7, BA39...)
I failed to create the volume source space and the forward solution because I don't have the trans file for EEG
and don't know how to use the 3-layers surf files (bem file).
For the src:
src = mne.setup_volume_source_space('bst_resting', pos, bem=bem,
                                    subjects_dir=subjects_dir, verbose=True)
Should I use the '' as a surface ?
surface = op.join(subjects_dir, subject,'bem', '')
src = mne.setup_volume_source_space(subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, surface=surface)
for the fwd:
Again, should I use surface instead of bem file ?
What trans file can I use ?

fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(<|01||50a7e6af814948b05b8908d6f05b002e|22670793760f482993153e427c362e69|0|0|636960670972982252&sdata=KAfbVF6mKgepu76YZix4%2FG2UEWgod5ZxGv8Qd7wCLjc%3D&reserved=0>, trans, src, bem)
I will appreciate any advice or if you can direct me to anyone with EEG experience!
Thanks, Sivan Kinreich

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Hey Sivan,

Here is an example where we do EEG with no MRI and trans, using `fsaverage`
as a surrogate:

If you have subject-specific MRI, you can use `mne coreg` to coregister
your EEG electrodes (which are in the head coordinate frame) with the MRI
(which is in the Freesurfer surface RAS MRI coordinate frame).
