edf.event reading

External Email - Use Caution

To NME community,

I am working on EEG Motor Movement/Imagery Dataset Published: Sept. 9,
2009. Version: 1.0.0 <https://physionet.org/content/eegmmidb/1.0.0/>.

reading .edf files is okey but the problem is with reading the events.

How can I read the* .edf.event* files?

Looking for your assistance.

Best regards.

Nibras Abo Alzahab,
Biomedical Engineer
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have a look at

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Or you could use MNE-Python's built-in loader for this dataset:


If you really need to use the original data files, note that the EDF files already contain events in annotation channels (accessible by raw.annotations) - you do *not* need to load the .event files because they contain the same events that are already present in the EDF files.
