I'm trying to import epocked data from EEGlab (already preprocessed) in
mne. I used the .edf conversion and the read_raw_edf function to transform
.set and .fdt to fif format.
The data import appears good to me (channels and samples are all here and
correct) and events are syncronised.
However, the number of event readen from raw data is less than the real
(using events = mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014'))
Moreover, the event id are '255' instead of 1,2,3 and 4 (the triggers
values). I changed it manualy and then realized that all the event
associated to trigger '1' are missing.
I tried on EEGlab to re-import the .edf file to look if all of the
triggers are well exported, and it seems to be good.
So, what could be the source of this miss of event readen from raw data ?
Is there a way to add the missing events properly ?
And finaly, is there a simplier process to import epocked data from EEGlab ?
I've also run into mis-labelled events in the past, and I've found that
some errors could be resolved by using a "mask" in the mne command line
tools. Do you have access to the command line tools? If so I would read
this section of the
on importing from other systems. It sounds like you might need to apply a
mask of 255, (0xff).
I haven't really been using mne.find_events on RawEDF objects, since I've
been using the command line tools and exporting text files of the events. I
just ran find_events on a sample RawEDF object and compared the output to
one of the text files. Below is a table, giving the number of each event
types across both methods. In this experiment, the events I'm interested in
are 4, 8, and 128, so both methods produce the same 'relevant' output, but
running find_events on the RawEDF produced more events. I'll have to double
check to see which event ids are actually programmed into biosemi.