Default value of stim_dur in make_first_level_design_matrix function (fNIRS)

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to use my conditions stimulation times and durations (they are not all the same) from the annotations of the raw (hemoglobin) file, instead of using a set defined length that is the same for all stimulations.
Anyone knows if such thing is possible?
if not, what is the default value of stim_dur in the make_first_level_design_matrix function? the documentation is not mentioning that.
This parameter is also not ‘optional’ for the make_first_level_design_matrix function, however, dropping if from the function call does not raise an error (which makes me assume there is some kind of underlying default value)

Anything would help, really stuck with it
Thank you.

Hi, You probably figured out this by now, but in case someone is looking for answer:

make_first_level_design_matrix comes from nilearn package. It is pretty easy to add custom durations here. If you won’t the default is 0. Here is the detail:

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