Creating or borrowing a label for simulate_sparse_stc

Hello all,

Before I jump into my question, I'd just like to comment that revamped docs that came out a few days ago are fantastic. Thanks to everybody who put time into the most recent update.

I'm trying to simulate focal sources in the left and right auditory cortex, and I'm under the impression that `mne.simulation.simulate_sparse_stc` is the method I should be using. The docs state that providing a list of labels allows you specify where the sources are located, but I'm not sure where to get labels from. I followed the "Generate simulated raw data" tutorial up to this point, so I've been trying to find the right way to snag the labels out of the sample data set, but I'm a little stuck. Any pointers?

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hi Erik,

did you see this:




I overlooked that one ? thank you!
Had just what I was looking for!
