Converting EDF to SNIRF file

Hi, I need help converting an edf file to snirf.
tldr; A fNIRS recording session was accidentally saved to an .edf file. I’m now helping researchers convert this to a snirf file format so they can analyse the data. They don’t have data in any other format.
This is what I have tried:

import mne
from import write_raw_snirf
# Path to the EDF file
edf_file = '/content/ZZ_nirs_MI.edf'
raw_edf =, preload=True, infer_types=True)
snirf_file = '/content/ZZ_nirs_MI.snirf'
write_raw_snirf(raw_edf, snirf_file, add_montage=False)

Which results in an error:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-b99011d6dbd9> in <cell line: 2>()
      1 # Write EDF data to SNIRF file
----> 2 write_raw_snirf(raw_edf, snirf_file, add_montage=False)

2 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/mne/_fiff/ in _picks_str_to_idx(info, picks, exclude, with_ref_meg, return_kind, extra_repr, allow_empty, orig_picks)
   1407     if sum(any_found) == 0:
   1408         if not allow_empty:
-> 1409             raise ValueError(
   1410                 "picks (%s) could not be interpreted as "
   1411                 'channel names (no channel "%s"), channel types (no '

ValueError: picks (['fnirs_cw_amplitude', 'fnirs_od', 'hbo', 'hbr']) could not be interpreted as channel names (no channel "['fnirs_cw_amplitude', 'fnirs_od', 'hbo', 'hbr']"), channel types (no type "['fnirs_cw_amplitude', 'fnirs_od', 'hbo', 'hbr']" present), or a generic type (just "all" or "data")

If I print I get this:

<Info | 8 non-empty values
 bads: []
 ch_names: Rx1 - Tx1 O2Hb (, Rx1 - Tx1 HHb (h, Rx1 - Tx2 O2Hb (, Rx1 - Tx2 ...
 chs: 48 EEG
 custom_ref_applied: False
 highpass: 0.0 Hz
 lowpass: 25.0 Hz
 meas_date: 2024-03-12 10:53:33 UTC
 nchan: 48
 projs: []
 sfreq: 50.0 Hz
 subject_info: 3 items (dict)

I have no clue how to proceed.
I don’t understand what shape the data has to be in to be able to be saved to a snirf file format.

If anyone here can help me, I’ll be eternaly grateful for your help. Please let me know if more information is needed.