Connectivity calculation using PLI

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I want to compute connectivity between sources using the PLI metric.
As far as I understand it, PLI is computed at the electrode level and
not at the source level. Does anyone know how to transform the
connectivity matrix between channels into a connectivity matrix
between sources? (I've looked at the inverse operator but I have no
idea how to apply it to the connectivity matrix).


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hi Fleur,

you cannot really transfer PLI from sensor to source. You need to estimate
PLI directly in source space eg using parcels.

here an example


note that the choice of the parcellation and metric has been the topic
of many papers
with various recommendations.


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Thanks a lot for your help!

I actually want to z score connectivities for each subject. Is there a way to compute connectivity for each epoch in the source space? (I mean: a more efficient way than iterating over all epochs)

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Hi Fleur,

our spectral connectivity code does not implement single-trial
connectivity, it implements phase statistics across trials.
If you want source-level connectivity, you need epochs in source space.
To do that in a memory-efficient manner, you can use
`return_generator=True` in
and then for loop by source localizing one epoch at a time.


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I tried source localizing one epoch at a time, and then computing connectivity for each epoch.

However, when I average the connectivity matrices over epochs, I do not obtain the same matrix as the one obtained by computing directly connectivity over all epochs in source space. Connectivity matrices for one epoch are made only of 0 and 1.

Is there something I'm missing ?

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Hi Fleur,

The code in spectral connectivity does not yield any meaningful
single-epoch results.
At this point, the only valid usage of the function is to compute
connectivity across trials.
