I have simultaneous MEG & EEG data where the EEG data were recorded on a
separate amplifier at a slightly different sampling frequency (2034.510
vs 2035.0 Hz).
Also, the samples are not necessarily aligned, but a common trigger is
present in both datasets.
Is there a standard way to combine these into a single Raw dataset? I
expect to low pass & interpolate on a common trigger-based time but
would like to anticipate possible artifacts.
take a look at mne.epochs.add_channels_epochs to combine your data at the
epochs stage.
2014-10-30 11:24 GMT+01:00 Marmaduke Woodman <marmaduke.woodman at univ-amu.fr>
Hi list,
I have simultaneous MEG & EEG data where the EEG data were recorded on a
separate amplifier at a slightly different sampling frequency (2034.510
vs 2035.0 Hz).
Also, the samples are not necessarily aligned, but a common trigger is
present in both datasets.
Is there a standard way to combine these into a single Raw dataset? I
expect to low pass & interpolate on a common trigger-based time but
would like to anticipate possible artifacts.
Thanks for any comments or suggestions,
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