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Dear MNE team,

I need to compute the csd on pool conditions and baseline together. So I
cropped the task segment and baseline period and tried to create a new
epoch to pass it to the csd estimation but i get the error

poolEpochs=mne.concatenate_epochs([epochs_tasks, epochs_base])
ValueError: selection must be shape (711,) got shape (1422,)

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External Email - Use Caution


you cannot concatenate epochs which do not have the same number of time samples.

you could compute the CSD for each and average them but it may not work if the
Fourier resolutions differ.

Therefore I am not sure it's an ideal solution. Why not computing the
CDS on the original epochs
that contain the baseline?


External Email - Use Caution

but here I crop the data with the same length and the 711 refers to the
number of events (both task and baseline have 711).

I can not compute on the original epochs because the baseline is not
directly adjacent to the task cue, including more time points will have an
effect on the csd estimation

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can you share the 2 files with me so I can have a look?