Coherence Analysis on Sleeping State sEEG Data


I am working on 12-channel intracerebral EEG data acquired in the sleeping state. I don’t have any epochs/events in my data. They are about a minute long. I want to obtain a 12 by 12 (symmetrical) matrix that has the coherence value of each pair of channels in each entry. I would like to have this matrix for different frequency bands, such as alpha, beta, gamma, etc.

My first confusion is our assumptions while computing the PSD and CSD. If I am not mistaken, we assume the signal is wide sense stationary while computing PSD. However, my one-minute-long data is indeed not stationary. Is it still alright to compute PSD or CSD over this one-minute-long time series data?

When the first confusion is cleared, my second question becomes: “Which MNE-connectivity function to compute this coherence?” As far as I understand, “spectral_connectivity_time” computes the coherence over time of one epoch. This is not what I wanted. The other option seems to be " spectral_connectivity_epochs." However, this function computes the average of PSDs/CSDs over epochs, and it is also mentioned in its document that using only one epoch would yield errorful results. Other than these two, I could not find any related functions.

Are there any functions in MNE-connectivity that I can use on my one-minute-long 12-channel data to compute interchannel coherence for different frequency bands?

I am relatively new to the field. Any help, clarification, or correction is appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi and welcome! I would try different PSD lengths and check for stationarity. Do any of these examples do what you need? Examples — MNE-Connectivity 0.3 documentation


Thank you for your suggestion, and sorry for my late reply.

Yes, I have checked the examples in the link that you sent. Unfortunately, all related examples use the two functions mentioned in my initial question. And I have also mentioned why I thought I could not use these two functions in my case.

As far as I know those are the only connectivity functions currently implented, I think you may be asking for a function that is not yet implemented.


Thank you! I will come back here if I can find any alternatives :slight_smile:

If you do find the implementation that you were looking for, maybe @adam2392 or someone else could either review a pull request if you were interested in adding it to MNE or implement it themselves if it was easy enough to port over and had time. I’d be happy to review.


Hi @cezanne if you get an implementation that works for you, happy to review a PR to add into mne-connectivity.


Sure, I will come back and share with you if I can find/write myself the thing I need :slight_smile:

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