- MNE version 1.3.1 using PyCharm 2023.3.2.
- operating system: e.g. macOS Sonoma 14.1.1.
I would like to perform ANOVA cluster-test permutation to identify the electrodes of interest on which to continue my analyses. To contextualize, I have data from participants who took part in a study with a mixed design: 1 within-subjects factor (Time in my script) (pre- or post-intervention) and 1 between-subjects factor (Group) (active or placebo).
Nevertheless, when I run my code, I suspect that I can only perform an ANOVA with within-subjects factors. Python does indeed create a list with my data, which it then uses to run the ANOVA, but this list contains a lot of zeros. I think Python searches for data for all conditions and all groups as if it was a within-subject design only, but since some conditions don’t exist for some subjects, it creates false data (the lot of zeros).
Is this because MNE doesn’t support these mixed designs?
Here I create my list with all my data for my subject :
for ri, r in enumerate(config.Group):
for di, d in enumerate(config.Time):
if ri == 0 and di == 0:
cidx = 0
cidx = cidx + 1
for si, sid in enumerate(sid_list):
print(f'Processing: {sid}')
evo_in = f'{config.evo_dir}{sid}_1s_{config.Group[ri]}_{config.Time[di]}-ave.fif'
tmp = mne.read_evokeds(evo_in)[0].apply_baseline(baseline=bsln)
tmp.comment = f'{sid} {cnames[cidx]}'
data[cidx][si] = np.transpose(tmp.data)
print(f'Missing: {evo_in} ')
n = n + tmp.nave
In my sid_list I have all my participants.
Thank you for your help,