External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
I'm new to the EEG World. I have EEG-measurement from about 10 patients. I
did CSP (Common Spatial Patterns) classification for each subjects and I
got an accuracy 70% for some of them and got 60% for the rest. Then I did
classification for all the subjects together (to have more data) and got
90% accuracy.
I was always thinking that the EEG is different from subject to subject and
it's like fingerprints. Brain Regions are same but Connectivity differs.
Electrodes localization are same but not exactly on the same positions for
all subjects.
Can I say that this 90% accuracy is the accuracy for every patient on the
set I have and in the future? Or should I say no, every patient has it's
own result?
Also what about transfer learning? I heard that this is a way to learn a
model on one patient and then take it and re-learn it again on another
patient and that in this case we get better results? Is there transfer
learning package in MNE-Python?
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