BIDSPath, no extension without suffix

  • MNE version: 1.6.1
  • operating system: CentOS Linux 7

The following command does not add the extension “.fif” to the filename, presumably because suffix=None. This behaviour doesn’t seem to be documented, and there is no warning or error message.

mne_bids.BIDSPath(root='/mypath', subject='1', processing='filt', suffix=None, extension='.fif')

I also find this a bit unexpected, would you be willing to open an issue for this and supply a fix as a PR?

This BIDSPath also doesn’t contain a task, which is a required entity. So I’d say an error should be raised here anyway…

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Happy to raise an issue, but I haven’t contributed to the BIDS yet and don’t think I can contribute a PR any time soon.