Beginner question viz.Brain - 'brain.add_label', adding area 'BA22'

  • MNE version: 1.2
  • operating system: Windows 10

Hi, I have seen that in mne_data only a couple of brain areas.

I would like to do the following in spyder:

mne.datasets.fetch_fsaverage(subjects_dir=None, verbose=True)
brain = mne.viz.Brain('fsaverage', subjects_dir=None, background='white', cortex='0.7')
brain.add_label('BA22', hemi='lh', color='green')
brain.show_view(azimuth=190, elevation=70, distance=350, focalpoint=(0, 0, 20))

I have seen that BA22 is not in the folder mne_data/fsaverage could there be another way how i could visualize the temporal lobe (STS/STG)?

Best, Rebecka

Hi! Can you get the brain in variable explorer by using mne.viz.Brain()?

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yes that works. Also, if I change the variable to ‘BA44’ the brain area gets marked, as BA44 is also in the mne_data/MNE-fsaverage-data/fsaverage/label folder, however BA22/BA41/BA42 is not. I would like to mark brain ares from the temporal lobe, such as superior temporal sulcus (STS) / superior temporal gyrus (STG). I also now downloaded freesurfer, but I have never used it before and do not really know an easy way to downlad more broadmann areas and downlaod the label and it’s dependencies to mne_data/MNE-fsaverage-data/fsaverage/label folder. It would make the channel selection for specific regions easier.