Basic Query

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In the example given below:

what are the value written below the plots of source localization? for
example one of the image represents plotting of sources calculated by
eLORETA method. Some values are written below with heat map. what are those
values and what do they signify?

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Hi Vivek,

The color bar represents neuronal current density in (nA) for distributed
source localization methods. After applying a suitable threshold to the
corresponding source space data, you can able to see the experimental
effects within the brain (i.e., the magnitude of the active sources across
different time points).


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For the standard minimum-norm estimate (MNE), the units are Am. Power of
the dSPM-normalized solution, on the other hand, follows an F distribution

For eLORETA, I wasn't sure the correct units to use when implementing it,
so I just kept things somewhat normalized -- the units / scale-factor for
that solver are thus arbitrary at present. In theory we should be able to
scale it to provide estimates in Am like MNE, or possibly units of some
statistical distribution like dSPM. (Help welcome if someone knows how!)


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Hi Eric!
Thanks for the correction.