add_head() method in mne.viz.Brain

  • MNE version: e.g. 0.24.0
  • operating system: macOS 12
    Hi, everyone. add_head() method in mne.viz.Brain yielded TypeError. I would like to know what is causing this.

Here is an example. I got TypeError after following the example in mne.

import os.path as op
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

import mne
from mne.datasets import sample

brain_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.1, background='white', cortex='low_contrast')
brain = mne.viz.Brain('sample', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, **brain_kwargs)

stc = mne.read_source_estimate(op.join(sample_dir, 'sample_audvis-meg'))
stc.crop(0.09, 0.1)

kwargs = dict(,, alpha=0.25,
              smoothing_steps='nearest', time=stc.times)


The detailed description of the error is:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [31], in <cell line: 2>()
1 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
----> 2 brain.add_head()
3 brain.show_view(distance=500,view=‘sagittal’)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/3dbrain/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mne/viz/_brain/, in Brain.add_head(self, dense, color, alpha)
2418 color = _to_rgb(color, alpha, alpha=True)
2420 for _ in self._iter_views(‘vol’):
→ 2421 actor, _ = self._renderer.mesh(
2422 *verts.T, triangles=triangles, color=color,
2423 opacity=alpha, reset_camera=False, render=False)
2424 self._add_actor(‘head’, actor)
2426 self._renderer._update()

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/3dbrain/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mne/viz/backends/, in PyVistaRenderer.mesh(self, x, y, z, triangles, color, opacity, shading, backface_culling, scalars, colormap, vmin, vmax, interpolate_before_map, representation, line_width, normals, polygon_offset, **kwargs)
331 triangles = np.c
[np.full(len(triangles), 3), triangles]
332 mesh = PolyData(vertices, triangles)
→ 333 return self.polydata(
334 mesh=mesh,
335 color=color,
336 opacity=opacity,
337 normals=normals,
338 backface_culling=backface_culling,
339 scalars=scalars,
340 colormap=colormap,
341 vmin=vmin,
342 vmax=vmax,
343 interpolate_before_map=interpolate_before_map,
344 representation=representation,
345 line_width=line_width,
346 polygon_offset=polygon_offset,
347 **kwargs,
348 )

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/3dbrain/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mne/viz/backends/, in _PyVistaRenderer.polydata(self, mesh, color, opacity, normals, backface_culling, scalars, colormap, vmin, vmax, interpolate_before_map, representation, line_width, polygon_offset, **kwargs)
302 rgba = kwargs[“rgba”]
303 kwargs.pop(‘rgba’)
→ 304 actor = _add_mesh(
305 plotter=self.plotter,
306 mesh=mesh, color=color, scalars=scalars,
307 rgba=rgba, opacity=opacity, cmap=colormap,
308 backface_culling=backface_culling,
309 rng=[vmin, vmax], show_scalar_bar=False,
310 smooth_shading=self.figure.smooth_shading,
311 interpolate_before_map=interpolate_before_map,
312 style=representation, line_width=line_width, **kwargs,
313 )
315 if polygon_offset is not None:
316 mapper = actor.GetMapper()

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/3dbrain/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mne/viz/backends/, in _add_mesh(plotter, *args, **kwargs)
879 if ‘render’ not in kwargs and ‘render’ in _get_args(plotter.add_mesh):
880 kwargs[‘render’] = False
→ 881 actor = plotter.add_mesh(*args, **kwargs)
882 if smooth_shading and ‘Normals’ in _point_data(mesh):
883 prop = actor.GetProperty()

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/3dbrain/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyvista/plotting/, in BasePlotter.add_mesh(self, mesh, color, style, scalars, clim, show_edges, edge_color, point_size, line_width, opacity, flip_scalars, lighting, n_colors, interpolate_before_map, cmap, label, reset_camera, scalar_bar_args, show_scalar_bar, multi_colors, name, texture, render_points_as_spheres, render_lines_as_tubes, smooth_shading, split_sharp_edges, ambient, diffuse, specular, specular_power, nan_color, nan_opacity, culling, rgb, categories, silhouette, use_transparency, below_color, above_color, annotations, pickable, preference, log_scale, pbr, metallic, roughness, render, component, **kwargs)
2172 prop.EdgeVisibilityOn()
2174 rgb_color = parse_color(color, default_color=self._theme.color)
→ 2175 prop.SetColor(rgb_color)
2176 if isinstance(opacity, (float, int)):
2177 prop.SetOpacity(opacity)

TypeError: SetColor argument 1: expected a sequence of 3 values, got 4 values

Please provide your environment first. Using


Mine is OK.

Please make sure you have all the latest packages installed, especially pyvista.

Here is the environment information. Thank you for your reply. I will install the unfound package and try in again.
Platform: macOS-10.16-x86_64-i386-64bit
Python: 3.8.12 (default, Oct 12 2021, 06:23:56) [Clang 10.0.0 ]
Executable: /Users/brunnerlab/opt/anaconda3/envs/csc/bin/python
CPU: i386: 4 cores
Memory: 32.0 GB

mne: 0.24.1
numpy: 1.22.2 {blas=NO_ATLAS_INFO, lapack=lapack}
scipy: 1.8.0
matplotlib: 3.5.1 {backend=module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline}

sklearn: 1.0.2
numba: 0.53.1
nibabel: 3.2.2
nilearn: 0.9.0
dipy: 1.3.0
cupy: Not found
pandas: 1.4.0
mayavi: 4.7.2
pyvista: 0.33.2 {OpenGL 4.1 ATI-4.7.29 via AMD Radeon R9 M390 OpenGL Engine}
pyvistaqt: 0.7.0
ipyvtklink: Not found
vtk: 9.0.3
PyQt5: 5.12.3
ipympl: Not found
mne_qt_browser: 0.1.7
pooch: v1.6.0

Your vtk might be out of date, looks fairly new though. I’d try pip install -U vtk

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