About import the data from eeglab formats.

External Email - Use Caution

     I have 2 troubles. First: how to convert eeglab's .set format to .fif format? And seconde: how to solve "buffer is too small" when importing .set data. And there have an information "If your * .set file contains non-ascii characters, sometimes reading it may fail and give rise to error message stating that" buffer is too small ". Uint16_codec allows to specify what codec (for example: 'latin1' or 'utf-8') should be used when reading character arrays and can therefore help you solve this problem "
Thanks for your help!

??? Windows 10 ???<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>??

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External Email - Use Caution

hi Li,

you need to be more specific with your issue and open an issue on github
if you actually hit a bug / unexpected crash.
