about changing default sitmulus channels to STI 101

Dear All,

I have a question on how to set the default the Stim channel to STI 101.
According to the tutorial of MNE, the command 'mne_fix_stim14 --32
<raw data file>' will be applied to
change the stimulus channels to 'STI101' and 'STI201' on the raw data
before using mne_browse_raw or mne_process_raw.
I did it, but it failed. The stimulus channel still be the channel the STI 014.
How to solve this problem?

Best Regards,
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Hi Guoya,

You can do this by setting the MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME environment variable
(e.g., setenv MNE_TRIGGER_CH_NAME="STI 101" if you are using tcsh), which
will change the default stim channel for the rest of your session. Or when
you call mne_process_raw, you can use the --digtrig argument (e.g.,
mne_process_raw --digtrig "STI 101").


Stephen Politzer-Ahles
New York University, Abu Dhabi
Neuroscience of Language Lab