Writing EEG (.edf, .mat, or .txt) data to .fif with MEG data

Hello MNE analyzers,

I am acquiring continuous EEG data using the EGI sensor net, which cannot be
piped into the fif file at acquisition. I would like to combine the raw MEG
and EEG data into a single .fif file. This data is available in edf mat and
txt (tab delimited) format, but I cannot determine an easy way to get the
matrix into the fif files. From reviewing the manuals, it seems that the
mne_edf2fiff tool may be the way to go, but I am not sure how to use this
tool to write the edf data to an existing MEG data set. Has anyone
encountered this problem? Any suggestions or ideas?

hi Brian,

I've never done what you describe but I would try the following.

Convert the EEG to fif with mne_edf2fiff and then merge the 2 fif files
with matlab or python. Assuming the timings are good, it should
consist in concatenating the channels and the data. It's not
straightforward but you could give it a try inspired by:



Hi Brian,

Also, Tapsya (cc'd) has combined EEG and EMG data acquired with a TMS system. She most probably has helpful Matlab code.

- Matti

Hi Brian,

Please ignore my previous message, it was incomplete and had no
attachment. [I hit 'send' by mistake. Apologies!!].

To convert .edf to .fif please use the command 'mne_edf2fiff'.

mne_edf2fiff --edf your_edf_file_name.edf --fif

In this email, you will find my code as an attachment which is a matlab
code 'Combine_fiff.m'. This code accepts two .fif files with different
sampling frequencies, matches it and then synchronizes the triggers.
Sounds like you do not need it and plus it will not work for you [since
you will need another .m file for it to work].

However, the code does contain mne matlab commands to combine two .fif
files into one and will help you also to handle the header information for
the new .fif file. I have commented sections in the code which I think may
be helpful to you.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have further questions.


Tapsya Nayak

Hi Brian,

Also, Tapsya (cc'd) has combined EEG and EMG data acquired with a TMS

system. She most probably has helpful Matlab code.

- Matti

hi Brian,
I've never done what you describe but I would try the following.

Convert the EEG to fif with mne_edf2fiff and then merge the 2 fif files
with matlab or python. Assuming the timings are good, it should consist in
concatenating the channels and the data. It's not

straightforward but you could give it a try inspired by:



Hello MNE analyzers,
I am acquiring continuous EEG data using the EGI sensor net, which

cannot be

piped into the fif file at acquisition. I would like to combine the


and EEG data into a single .fif file. This data is available in edf


txt (tab delimited) format, but I cannot determine an easy way to get


matrix into the fif files. From reviewing the manuals, it seems that


mne_edf2fiff tool may be the way to go, but I am not sure how to use


tool to write the edf data to an existing MEG data set. Has anyone

encountered this problem? Any suggestions or ideas?

-Brian Coffman, M.S.
Research Associate, The Mind Research Network
Doctoral Candidate, The University of New Mexico
Phone: (505) 336-0606
Fax: (505) 272-7011
"I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my


Then I realized who was telling me this."
  - Emo Phillips
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Matti Hamalainen, Ph.D.
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital

msh at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

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Thanks Alex, Matti, and Tapsya! This was very helpful, particularly the
MATLAB code that you have attached, Tapsya.
