where i can find a montage for neuroscan(64ch)

I tried to read the raw data with mne.io.read_raw_cnt(),but i didnt find same montage with my data. In my opinion, montage ‘standard_1020’ is very similar to my condition ,but , still they have several differences. (beween Neuroscan’s montage and standard_1020).So how can i get location information about my data ,or where i can find the montage for .cnt type data.
I would appreciate your help. (i am so sorry for my poor english :sob:

it seems this is not very well supported yet. I was able to get the montage files here Scan Acquire Configuration Files – Compumedics Neuroscan. I tried mne.channels.read_dig_dat to read the DAT file for SynAmps 2/RT 64 channel EEG, but it fails with this error:

ValueError: Error reading SynAmps2 Quik-Cap64.DAT, line 0 has unexpected number of entries:
    Nasion	0.100031	9.518287	0

Next I tried opening with mne.channels.read_custom_montage but it doesn’t accept .dat file extensions, so I changed the extension to .tsv and tried again. This worked, but it seems that the cardinal landmarks (nasion, LPA, RPA) are not properly identified, and the measurement scale may be in mm rather than m, since in the plot the head is tiny (about the size of one electrode dot):

foo = mne.channels.read_custom_montage('SynAmps2 Quik-Cap64.tsv')

Here’s the console output from the plot command:

1 duplicate electrode labels found:
     Right/      REF.
Plotting 71 unique labels.
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=71, n_times=1
    Range : 0 ... 0 =      0.000 ...     0.000 secs
<ipython-input-25-dccde57bdb63>:1: RuntimeWarning: Fiducial point nasion not found, assuming identity unknown to head transformation

thanks for your help, I think i have found a way to solve this problem. I imported my cnt data to eeglab in matlab and exported its default location file. Than opening it with mne.channels.read_custom_montage. following are my plot and code ,also location data

data_path = "xx.cnt"
raw = mne.io.read_raw_cnt(data_path, preload=True)  
raw.drop_channels(['Trigger','CB1','CB2'])  # i dont need those channels
rename_dict = {'HEO': 'HEOG','VEO':'VEOG'}
locs_info_path = 'xxx.locs"
montage = mne.channels.read_custom_montage(locs_info_path)
chan_types_dict = {"HEOG":"eog", "VEOG":"eog", }
1	 -17.926	 0.51499	     FP1
2	       0	 0.50669	     FPZ
3	  17.926	 0.51499	     FP2
4	 -22.461	 0.42113	     AF3
5	  22.461	 0.42113	     AF4
6	 -53.913	 0.52808	      F7
7	 -49.405	 0.43159	      F5
8	 -39.947	 0.34459	      F3
9	 -23.493	 0.27903	      F1
10	       0	 0.25338	      FZ
11	  23.493	 0.27878	      F2
12	  39.897	  0.3445	      F4
13	  49.405	 0.43128	      F6
14	  53.867	 0.52807	      F8
15	 -71.948	 0.53192	     FT7
16	 -69.332	 0.40823	     FC5
17	 -62.425	 0.28822	     FC3
18	 -44.925	 0.18118	     FC1
19	       0	 0.12662	     FCZ
20	  44.925	 0.18118	     FC2
21	  62.425	 0.28822	     FC4
22	  69.332	 0.40823	     FC6
23	  71.948	 0.53192	     FT8
24	     -90	 0.53318	      T7
25	     -90	  0.3999	      C5
26	     -90	 0.26669	      C3
27	     -90	 0.13319	      C1
28	       0	       0	      CZ
29	      90	 0.13348	      C2
30	      90	 0.26667	      C4
31	      90	  0.3999	      C6
32	      90	 0.53318	      T8
33	 -108.05	 0.53192	     TP7
34	 -110.67	 0.40823	     CP5
35	 -117.57	 0.28822	     CP3
36	 -135.07	 0.18118	     CP1
37	     180	 0.12662	     CPZ
38	  135.07	 0.18118	     CP2
39	  117.57	 0.28822	     CP4
40	  110.67	 0.40823	     CP6
41	  108.11	 0.53191	     TP8
42	  100.42	 0.74733	      M2
43	 -126.09	 0.52808	      P7
44	 -130.59	 0.43159	      P5
45	 -140.05	 0.34459	      P3
46	 -156.51	 0.27903	      P1
47	     180	 0.25338	      PZ
48	  156.51	 0.27878	      P2
49	   140.1	  0.3445	      P4
50	  130.59	 0.43128	      P6
51	  126.13	 0.52807	      P8
52	 -144.11	 0.52233	     PO7
53	 -149.46	 0.46649	     PO5
54	 -157.54	 0.42113	     PO3
55	     180	 0.37994	     POZ
56	  157.54	 0.42113	     PO4
57	  149.46	 0.46649	     PO6
58	  144.14	 0.52231	     PO8
59	       0	       0	     CB1
60	 -162.07	 0.51499	      O1
61	     180	 0.50669	      OZ
62	  162.07	 0.51499	      O2
63	       0	       0	     CB2
64	     -42	 0.65556	    HEOG
65	      27	 0.69444	    VEOG
66	 -100.42	 0.74733	      M1

you can just copy location data above in a .txt file. I hope i can help you and someone met same problem with me :blush:


Hello I tried to copy the coordinates above but there are missing the z values Thank you

Hello, thanks, that was really helpful could you also share the positions for CB1 and CB2 electrodes??

Thank you

The coordinates in an EEGLAB .locs file are not XYZ, they are polar coordinates (columns are degrees, radius, channel_name; see c. Channel Locations - EEGLAB Wiki). MNE-Python will infer this as long as the file extension is .loc or .locs.

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Thank you I was loading it as a text file and thus the problem arise. I change it to loc and problem solved. Thank you