When is baseline correction applied?

I didn’t notice that Epochs and EpochsArray have different defaults for their baseline parameters – this explains my reprex at least.

But with my actual data, I still have the output I posted previously: one Evoked says “baseline off”, even though I created my epochs with mne.Epochs (and not mne.EpochsArray). It seems like the following line is the culprit:

epochs = mne.channels.combine_channels(epochs, rois)

This function apparently drops the baseline information, because before combining channels I have:

<Epochs |  437 events (all good), -0.25 - 0.75 sec, baseline -0.25 – 0 sec, ~109.6 MB, data loaded, with metadata,
 'onset': 437>

And afterwards:

<EpochsArray |  437 events (all good), -0.25 - 0.75 sec, baseline off, ~15.4 MB, data loaded, with metadata,
 '2': 437>

Seems like the baseline should also be -0.25 - 0.75 sec in the second case, right?