How is the baseline correction calculated?


I am comparing the evoke data of one subject between my script in Python
with mne package and the script in IGOR pro that my lab used so far.

I gave the following time interval for baseline correction to both:
baseline = (-0.060, 0.040). I noticed that the values of the average
change: for each electrode there is always the same difference (between
Python and IGOR) across data points.

How come? Can I have a more detailed explanation of how the baseline
correction is applied?

Many thanks,
Emanuela Liaci
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Hi Emanuela,

I assume you do the baselining when constructing the epochs
(mne.Epochs(..., baseline=baseline))? It simply subtracts the mean over the
baseline period. So the effective lines of code boil down to:

mean = np.mean(data[..., imin:imax], axis=-1)[..., None]
data -= mean

, where the baseline runs from imin to imax. And yes this should be
documented better. I'll make the issue to github.


Hi Jaakko,

thanks for the enlightenment. Yes of course, now I understand the problem.
But then since I have to apply the correction after the emerging, how can I
do it?

Here my code:

epochs_noRef = mne.EpochsArray(ElectrodeArray, info=info,tmin=-0.06)
    # baseline = (-0.06, 0.04)
epochs_Ref,_=, ['TP9', 'TP10'])

thanks a lot for your help,

Hi Jaakko,

thanks for the enlightenment. Yes of course, now I understand the problem.
But then since I have to apply the correction after the averaging, how can
I do it?

Here my code:

epochs_noRef = mne.EpochsArray(ElectrodeArray, info=info,tmin=-0.06)
    # baseline = (-0.06, 0.04)
epochs_Ref,_=, ['TP9', 'TP10'])

thanks a lot for your help,

In the development version there is a new method just for that
You can also access the evoked data directly ( and manipulate
it to your liking,
