Warning overflow encounter with infomax


I’m performing an ICA (infomax) on resting-state eeg data (epoch length=2 seconds)
The process is running, but I have the following warning message:

C:\Users\win\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\preprocessing\infomax_.py:192: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
y = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-u))

I run my script on jupyter notebook on Windows 11 Insider Preview 22621.1
What should I do to avoid this warning message. May I still rely on the ica results?

Thanks for your help


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I think you can certainly ignore this warning but I would say we need to use this function:


which should be more numerically stable.

could you submit a pull request to make the change?


Hi Alex,
Thank you for your answer. This is the second time I’m using the forum… Is there a way to submit a pull request?

I’ve opened an issue on GitHub:

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