Virtual electrode/sensor

Hi everyone!

I'm currently working on source localization of epileptic spikes in MEG
data, and I would like to create a "virutal sensor", ie a signal with the
same appereance as if one were to put a sensor exactly in the region
creating the epileptic spikes. I know that this is possible using Matlab
Field Trip, but is there an (easy) way of doing it using MNE Python instead?

Thanks and best,

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hi Karin,

what you call "virtual electrode" is what people commonly refer to as
a beamforming method. We have LCMV and DICS implemented in MNE-Python.
See our examples and documentation on beamforming.
As a side note, I find the term virtual electrode a bit misleading as you
need to solve an inverse problem. To me it's just a linear inverse method
among many variants.
