Vertices in source reconstruction

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Iā€™ve recently done source localisation, and am trying to figure out whether there is a way to threshold the results by the number of active adjacent vertices instead of a p-value. Iā€™ve not found anything available online so far.
The idea is to get the active vertices around the peak, as results do not seem to survive multiple correction. Iā€™m currently computing f_oneway (scipy.stats) and then showing only significant p-values

def computeStatistic(x, y, z=None):
    if np.all(z) == None:
        print('comparing 2 groups')
        print('comparing 3 groups')

    stats_array = np.zeros((x.shape[0]),)
    pval_array = np.zeros((x.shape[0]),)

    for i in range(x.shape[0]):
        #print('vertex ind: ', i)
        if np.all(z) == None:
            stats, pval = scipy.stats.f_oneway(x[i,:], y[i,:])# data: vertex x number of subjects
            stats, pval = scipy.stats.f_oneway(x[i,:], y[i,:],z[i,:])
        stats_array[i] = stats
        pval_array[i] = pval
    return stats_array, pval_array

time_values = ['avg'] 
stc_fsave_all_real_avg = np.mean(stc_fsave_all_real, axis=2) 
fvalues_r, pvalues_r = computeStatistic(stc_fsave_all_real_avg[2,:,:], stc_fsave_all_real_avg[1,:,:], stc_fsave_all_real_avg[0,:,:])
print('Significant p vals real: ', np.where(pvalues_r <= 0.05))

# find the peak on the lh
peak_vertex, peak_time = stc_f_real.get_peak(hemi=hemi)
print('peak_vertex: ', peak_vertex)

# get the vertex at the peak
peak_vertex_surf = stc_f_real.lh_vertno[peak_vertex]

Thanks a lot!!! :slight_smile:

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Hi @ruxt, did you try to use cluster-based permutation test? It does something similar to what you describe and effectively corrects for multiple comparisons. Here is an example using cluster-based test on sensor-level data (there is an example with source-space cluster-based, but I canā€™t find it at the moment):

Thanks @mmagnuski. I have the impression that the clustering works on timepoints and not on active vertices, and I would prefer not to correct as thereā€™s way too many vertices so obviously the applied correction is too strong. However, I tried it, and found nothing, as I expected. Anyway, it would be cool to have a way to find how many vertices are active in order to correct for multiple comparisons in this way (say using a threshold >20 vertices)

The cluster-based permutation test works in any data space where adjacency makes sense. You can perform the test in time and vertices or time, frequency and vertices in principle.

Cluster-based permutation test is not as conservative as Bonferroni for example and the correction does not necessarily increasy linearly with the extent of the search space.
However, if you donā€™t want to correct for multiple comparisons but only select vertices for further analysis, you could still use the cluster-based permutation test. You can, for instance, lower the number of permutations to something very low, like 1 and ignore the p values, taking only the returned clusters into consideration. The cluster-based test gives you a list of clusters as one of the return arguments (if you use out_type='mask' these will be boolean masks for more than two dimensions or slices for 1d search space) - you can use this information to select clusters of vertices above certain size. Bear in mind that this allows to select vertices, but is not a correction for multiple comparisons per se.

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