version mismatch problem in reading epoched data in mne


I am having some problems in reading epoched fif files

Apparently the files created in the new version of mne are not being read/opened in the previous version of mne.

I noticed this because my Fieldtrip scripts reading epoched data created with mne python are not working any more after I upgraded to new version of mne.
Is there quick fix to this bug?

Kind regards
Bushra Riaz


so fieldtrip code does not support the new version of MNE -epo.fif files right?

if so it's a problem that needs to be fixed in fieldtrip. It should be
quite minor.


But the problem I am highlighting here is epoch files created in new version of mne are not compatible with the older version of mne , which of course is not a big problem but might cause inconvenience.
I will definitely post it on fieldtrip mailing list
Thank you

Kind regards
Bushra Riaz


we try to keep backward compatibility but we cannot guarantee that files
produced by new versions will be readable by older versions.

let's see what fieldtrip guys say
