Using fsaverage subject and a built-in EEG montage

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I'm trying to create a -trans file for the fsaverage subject with one of
the built-in EEG montages.
Follow the instructions here
I got numerous errors when running mne.gui.coregistration, including:

*ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is
ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()*

*Exception occurred in traits notification handler for object:
<mne.gui._viewer.PointObject object at 0x7fb227c451d0>, trait: scene, old
value: < object at
0x7fb227bb3110>, new value: <
object at 0x7fb22e4abbf0>*

In the end it produces an MNE Coreg viewer window but the window's display
is blank.

The function mne.create_default_subject() also didn't work for me, but I
manually copied the files over and set up the bem model and source space
using the command line.

Are there other steps I should take before running mne.gui.coregistration?

Thanks and Best,
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I get the same error when running mne.viz.plot_alignment:

*line 1765, in trait_set*
* for name, value in traits.items():*
*ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is
ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()*

There seems to be a problem with the 'traits' object handled by mayavi.
Does anyone know how I can troubleshoot this?

Thanks and Best,

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For me it was a library / installation issue; had all these issues in one installation, and none in the other. Had no time to pinpoint the problem, though.

-- Erkka

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can you open an issue at:
and give us as much material as possible to replicate the pb?
