Upcoming HNN workshop at SfN (Nov 10)

Are you going to SFN this year and interested in learning about how to interpret the cell and circuit origin of your EEG or MEG data?

Join us for an in person hands-on SFN satellite workshop on the Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN, https://hnn.brown.edu) on Sat November 10th 9am-3pm.

The HNN is an open-source software tool to help researchers and clinicians interpret the cell and circuit origin of their MEG/EEG data. Attendees will learn how to use the HNN-GUI to study the origin of commonly measured signals, including ERPs and low frequency brain rhythms, followed by instruction on how to simulate these signals using the HNN-core Python interface. If you have specific data to work with, bring it and we’ll help you get started. Free pre-registration is required & limited to 25 participants. Registration is filling fast. Sign up today at: HNN Pre-Workshop Registration & Information.

HNN team