Uninstall all the older versions of MNE and its dependencies

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Hello MNE users/developers,
Could someone of you guide me on how to remove the older version of MNE
along with older dependencies too in *one-shot*? I tried using the* << pip
auto-remove mne -y>>* rather than << pip uninstall mne >> , but it's
not working.

The drawback with <<pip uninstall mne>> it doesn't remove the MNE
dependencies. Thus when I try to install newer MNE 0.21.0 using <<pip
install mne>>, the older dependencies are not getting replaced by the
latest versions of dependencies. And I'm a bit skeptical, that the latest
MNE might use the latest versions of the dependencies.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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You can list outdated packages with:

pip list -o

Then you can update each outdated package separately using

pip install -U <package>

(replacing <package> with the package name)

AFAIK there is no option to reliably remove a package including its dependencies; it is not even possible to update all outdated packages in one go.



there is at least one way on how updating all packages with two pip

pip freeze >requirements.txt
# search and replace '==' with '>=' within the file requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

this is taken from


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You can list outdated packages with:

pip list -o

Then you can update each outdated package separately using

pip install -U <package>

(replacing <package> with the package name)

AFAIK there is no option to reliably remove a package including its dependencies; it is not even possible to update all outdated packages in one go.


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Hello MNE users/developers,
Could someone of you guide me on how to remove the older version of MNE along with older dependencies too in one-shot? I tried using the << pip auto-remove mne -y>> rather than << pip uninstall mne >> , but it's not working.

The drawback with <<pip uninstall mne>> it doesn't remove the MNE dependencies. Thus when I try to install newer MNE 0.21.0 using <<pip install mne>>, the older dependencies are not getting replaced by the latest versions of dependencies. And I'm a bit skeptical, that the latest MNE might use the latest versions of the dependencies.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Harish Gunasekaran,
NUMERICS Ph.D. fellow under Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions (2019-22),
Cognition & Brain Dynamics team, Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit (UNICOG),
NeuroSpin, CEA/DRF/Joliot, CEA Paris Saclay,
B?t 145 PC 156 , Gif s/ Yvette F-91190 FRANCE.

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Yes, what I meant was that there is no built-in/supported option/command to do that. There are good reasons why this is the case, but there are workarounds that may or may not work like the one you mentioned. More examples are listed here:

