My question is concerned about two-way repteated anova on source data.
My experiment is a 2 factorial design: Factor A (3 levels), Factor B (2 levels). I want to see the main effects of the two factors. In the statis analysis, I set effects = 'A+B'
to test the main effect for both factor A and factor B. Then, we got f_thresh = f_threshold_mway_rm(n_subjects, factor_levels, effects, pthresh) = [3.1995817058519864, 4.279344309144648]
, which is a list type, containing two elements. However, threshold = float(threshold)
in the function spatio_temporal_cluster_test
requires that the input cannot be a list (as the error attached).
If I set effects = 'A'
or effects = 'B'
or effects = 'A:B'
, the error goes away. So, testing the two factors one by one is an option.
I’d like to ask: statistically speaking, does it means the same thing to test effect A and B separately and to test them together (‘A+B’)?
Thank you!
Below are the statis scripts that define the statis parameters:
factor_levels = [3, 2]
effects = 'A' # 'A','B','A+B':main effect of A, main effect of B, main effect of A and B
# Tell the ANOVA not to compute p-values which we don't need for clustering
return_pvals = False
# a few more convenient bindings
n_times = X[0].shape[1]
n_conditions = 6
def stat_fun(*args):
# get f-values only.
return f_mway_rm(np.swapaxes(args, 1, 0), factor_levels=factor_levels,
effects=effects, return_pvals=return_pvals)[0]
pthresh = 0.05
f_thresh = f_threshold_mway_rm(24, factor_levels, effects, pthresh)