Troubles in show bdf files

  • MNE version: 1.5.1
  • operating system: Windows 11

I just use to read bdf files, the files can be successfully read. But, when I plot the EEG signals, the signals look very strange. Could anyone tell me why and how to solve this problem?

raw =, preload=True)

Your signals seem to be scaled incorrectly. MNE-Python expects EEG to be in V, but your signal might be in ยตV. Therefore, you need to multiply them by 1e-6 after importing.

See also here: Need help in plotting raw eeg signals using raw.plot() - #6 by cbrnr

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Thanks for your help!

How to multiply raw data? I got an error when raw=raw*1e-6.

Unfortunately, there is no easy-to-find rescale method, but you can use:

raw.apply_function(lambda x: x * 1e-6, picks="eeg")