Topographical distribution of CSP

If you have a question or issue with MNE-Python, please include the following info:

  • MNE-Python version: latest version
  • operating system: windows 10



I want to draw a topographical distribution for CSP. ( my final goal)
I have EEG data of 280x118x300.(trials x channels x time sample points)

Q1. The tutorial uses example data. How do I follow the tutorial with my data?

Q2. What does it mean to draw a CSP topographical map?

Q3. I know that to draw a topomap, the position of the electrode and the data corresponding to it must exist. CSP is a feature vector. How do you map this to a channel?

My question may be a rather basic one, but I have encountered this field recently and I am lacking in knowledge. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

have a look at:

and maybe mne.EvokedArray β€” MNE 0.22.0 documentation


Regarding your three questions:

Q1: depending on the format of your data you can read it via For example epoched eeglab .set files are read using See also these tutorials
Q2: This means: to plot the CSD values on the scalp by mapping them to corresponding channel positions (and interpolating the values to create a continuous map / image).
Q3: Its easy if you know that the values in the channel dimension of a given array are in the same order as channels in info object (that holds channel positions and much more).

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