to visualize the source activation at every 10 ms

Hi all,

I'd like to plot the source activation of every 10ms from 300 to 500ms
(e.g. 300ms, 310ms, 320ms and so on) in MNE-python.

I used the following line to plot the source activation at time=300ms, but
I can only get the activation at t=0ms.
*source_data.plot(hemi='split', initial_time=0.30, time_viewer=True,

In addition, the clim= {'kind':'value','lims':[-9e-11,0,9e-11]} doesn't
work properly in the script. It gives the plot with yellow and black colors
instead of blue and red colors, but the manual adjustment of the scales to
this range works perfectly.

I have lots of contrasts and I'd like to view the source plots for every
10ms. Therefore, I can't do the adjustment for the time and activation
scales manually. Could anyone help me please?

Thanks a lot!
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I used the following line to plot the source activation at time=300ms, but
I can only get the activation at t=0ms.
*source_data.plot(hemi='split', initial_time=0.30, time_viewer=True,

You might need to set time_unit='s'. If that doesn't fix it, check that
`stc.times` actually contains the times of interest.

In addition, the clim= {'kind':'value','lims':[-9e-11,0,9e-11]} doesn't

work properly in the script. It gives the plot with yellow and black colors
instead of blue and red colors, but the manual adjustment of the scales to
this range works perfectly.

Use something like clim={'kind': 'value', 'pos_lims': [7e-11, 8e-11,
9e-11]}, or use your "clim" with "colormap='mne_analyze'". "pos_lims"
triggers the use of the red/blue MNE colormap automatically.

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Hi Eric,

Thanks for your help. Everything works perfectly for me now. :slight_smile:
