The relationship between the amount of vertices and the size of one label

Dear all,

I am making the functional labels, and I want to reject the labels less
than radius=5mm. But I only have the information of vertices within each
functional label.
Does anyone know how to transfer the vertices information into the size?
Thanks a lot.

Best wishes,
Qunxi Dong
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Dear Qunxi Dong,

the source space object contains a distance matrix that measures the
distance from each vertex to each other vertex. See this gist for an
example how to use this to calculate the size of a label on the MNE
example data:


Dear Marijin,

That is indeed useful for me, thanks a lot!

Best wishes,
Qunxi Dong

2016-08-30 14:43 GMT+08:00 Marijn van Vliet <w.m.vanvliet at>:

Dear Qunxi Dong,

the source space object contains a distance matrix that measures the
distance from each vertex to each other vertex. See this gist for an
example how to use this to calculate the size of a label on the MNE example

Example on how to compute the size of a label on the cortex with MNE · GitHub


Dear all,

I am making the functional labels, and I want to reject the labels less
than radius=5mm. But I only have the information of vertices within each
functional label.
Does anyone know how to transfer the vertices information into the size?
Thanks a lot.

Best wishes,
Qunxi Dong

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