Hi! guys,
When I trained the classifier in one dataset and tested it in another dataset, and tried to get the d values, I found that the progress bar showed the transformation of the estimator not finishing. However, the output d value had the correct shape, and the values seemed right. But I still worried that there was something wrong I didn’t notice. here is my code snippet:
For each trial, the progress bar showed that only 20 time points in 245 time points had been calculated, but strangely my output dvalue had the shape of (245,) instead of (20,).
I found that the number of processed time points corresponded to the number of n_jobs I set. if I set n_jobs=1, the processed time point is 1 as I circled with red color. if I set n_jobs=20, the processed time points is 20 as I posted in the original picture.
However, the output dvalue’s shape is still correct and the value looked normal.
Although the output looked normal, I’m still confused about why the processing bar didn’t finish and the processing percentage is always stopped in the n_jobs I set / the total number of the time points, which did not make sense. In the normal case, the processing bar should stop at 100% percent, i.e., 245/245. (245 is the number of time points in an epoch after downsample).
By the way, what do you mean by the output in my window is messed up, I don’t get it