In MNE, Does the ‘ras’ in mne.transforms.Transform()mean +x = right, +y = anterior, +z =
superior and the origin [0 0 0] corresponds to the center of the T1-weighted image? But the MRI of MNE used is processed by Freesurfer. The center of Freesurfer coordinate system corresponds to Volume center ?and How to Convert the Position of Sensors in Two Coordinate Systems?
Here are some references that might help:
- Algorithms and other implementation details — MNE 1.3.1 documentation (head and device coord systems)
- Algorithms and other implementation details — MNE 1.3.1 documentation (MEG/EEG/MRI coord systems)
- The typical M/EEG workflow — MNE 1.3.1 documentation (section on aligning coordinate frames)
- How MNE uses FreeSurfer’s outputs — MNE 1.3.1 documentation (tutorial on MRI coord system)
- Source alignment and coordinate frames — MNE 1.3.1 documentation (tutorial on aligning coord systems with our coregistration GUI)
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