I never worked with python2 (and didn't know basestring was a type);
do I have to expect silent wrong results using the
python3/mayavi4.4.4/vtk7 combination?
Mayavi does not yet work with Python3 unfortunately. Rumors have been
existing that there is some unmerged experimental dev branch of VTK that
supports mayavi 3, but I'm not sure if mayavi can already be used.
Btw. anyone who wants to help writing an API for plotting freesurfer
outputs using matplotlib without extra dependencies deserves many beers
{insert favourite drink}. Look also here for the first attempts: https://github.com/nilearn/nilearn/pull/1016
and with this and mayavi 4.4.4, after fixing the viz.py script, I could
plot meg activity onto the cortical surface without any apparent
problems so far, all in python 3.