Hi MNE community,
I have a question about the SSP projection.
According to Page 86 of the MNE manual,
The noise is decomposed to
bn(t) = U * cn(t) + e(t),
where e(t) is white noise.
Let y(t) be the sensor signal and x(t) be the source signal
y(t) = G x(t) + bn(t)
so if we apply the SSP operator (I - UU'),
(I-UU') y(t) = (I-UU')G x(t) + (I-UU') bn(t)
= (I-UU')G x(t) + (I-UU') e(t)
So I thought when applying the SSP to the sensor data, the forward matrix
should also be multiplied by the operator.
But when I tried to read through the python code in
"mne.minimum_norm.inverse", I did not find this kind of operation.
Am I missing something or is it the case that the operator should not be
applied to G?
If the latter is true, why is it true?
Thanks so much.
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