source reconstructed time courses

Dear MNE community,

I am using mne.extract_label_time_course() to extract source time series from simulated data. However, the time courses that I get are all absolute valued i.e. the negative part of the time courses are flipped to positive values. I’ve tried to figure out if there is some parameter in mne.extract_label_time_course() that causes this but I have failed. I am new to MEG data and MNE-python. I therefor turn to you and hope that perhaps someone will know. Many Thanks in advance!

Kind regards

look at pick_ori parameter in


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Thank you so much for your help Alex, really appreciate it!

If anyone is reading this haveing the same problem: Setting pick_ori= “normal” in mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse() solves the problem.

Kind regards

Hi Marika,

Its difficult to understand the issues that you are facing. Could you share some code snippet instead?

What mode are you using in mne.extract_label_time_course()?
What did you use as pick_ori for your source data?


Dear Dip,

Sorry if I wasn’t clear in my previous reply, my problem was solved by setting the pick_ori parameter as suggested by Alex. But thank you anyway for engaging in the question!

Kind regards

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