Single channel tfr_morlet average result on whole epoch/trial is very different with individual tfr_morlet result on single epoch/trail

Hi, I am doing time-frequency analysis on seeg epoch data with tfr_morlet. I am try to see if the average tf data of one specific channel averaged on whole epochs is consistent with individual tf data of that specific channel for each epoch.
For example I have a epoch data myepoch. It have 40 epochs in it and 100 channels lasting for 10s. I am testing the channel number 0.
First, I use below command to calculate the average epochs tf data:

power=tfr_morlet(myepoch, picks=[0],freqs=freqs, n_cycles=n_cycles,use_fft=True,return_itc=False, average=True)

Then I try to get individual epoch tf data with below code. Since there is only one epoch/trial, so the average=True should do nothing. But I just add it there.

for epoch in range(40):
----power[epoch]=tfr_morlet(myepoch[epoch], picks=[0],freqs=freqs, n_cycles=n_cycles,use_fft=True,return_itc=False, average=True)

Next I am try to plot the averaged tf data and the individual tf data with:

averaged plot:

power.plot(baseline=(13,14.5), mode='zscore', vmin=-4,vmax=4)

individual plot:

power[epoch].plot(baseline=(13,14.5), mode='zscore', vmin=-4,vmax=4)

I think there is no too much similarity between these two plot which make me doubt the processing step.
So please advise this, are these process I performed correct? If so, any idea why these two plots are so different.
I am use seeg, so I am expecting more consistent analysis result between individual and average data compared to eeg.